Leaders Across Canada Share Emotional Intelligence Expertise

When I considered writing a book about emotional intelligence (EI), I wanted to research experienced leaders' thoughts on EI and EI training. I interviewed several leaders across Canada and learned how EI impacted them and their team and I proudly included my findings in The Power of Emotion.  


How valuable is emotional intelligence training to Canadian leaders?

Leaders Across Canada Share Emotional Intelligence Expertise, Linda Marshall Author

Writing The Power of Emotion, my second book, has been an incredible journey that began soon after completing my first book, Giving Back. Unquestionably, writing Giving Back was a life lesson that prompted personal growth and reflection. During that time, I realized the critical role emotional intelligence played in my life and chose to infuse various training opportunities into my business Marshall Connects. My passion for this topic intensified, and I continued studying and writing about EI and became a certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer.

Valuable Emotional Intelligence Research From Across Canada

In January 2019, I began collecting anecdotal research for my book, The Power of Emotion, by contacting leaders in Human Resources, Business, and Education sectors across Canada. I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing 263 leaders across Canada on the topic of emotional intelligence. Their experience and feedback helped me gain tremendous insight into how emotional intelligence impacted them and their teams.

After each individual interview, I emailed a brief survey to each leader and requested they complete and return it. The return rate for this anecdotal research was inspiring, with 77% of the leaders replying.

I learned there was significant growing interest in leaders investing in EI training. 

Analyzing My Emotional Intelligence Research

Most interesting when I asked leaders if they had taken EI training; almost 50% responded yes in the survey. When asked if they offered EI training to their team, again nearly 50% answered yes.

These responses indicate the growing interest and value in EI training. During my interviews, there wasn't one leader who denied the importance of strong emotional intelligence. You will find valuable shared experiences cited throughout the book from leaders who returned their survey. I'm so grateful for the support I received from the leaders who contributed.

Countless leaders, organizations, and individuals are embracing emotional intelligence training because of its remarkable power to elevate our accomplishments. When we regulate our emotions, we have better control over our interactions, decisions, and behaviours. You can learn how to develop your emotional intelligence in my new book, The Power of Emotion.

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The Power of Emotion Book, Linda Marshall Author

The Power of Emotion Book, Linda Marshall Author

The Power of Emotion Book, Linda Marshall Author


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